80% of students improve their school performance after just 12 lessons
Sign up for a free trial class and help your child succeed!
You're in a good company:
course developers and tutors from leading IT companies and universities
Worried About Your Child Falling Behind?
By working on real-world projects, your child will develop a love for learning, making homework and schoolwork less of a challenge
No More Homework Battles And Feeling Like "Bad" Parent
Beyond just coding skills, we help your child build confidence, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities that improve their grades and future opportunities
Students will learn how to use arrays to create games and apps
Students will learn how to design 3D objects: mountains, lakes, cars
Students will learn how to recreate famous arcade(2D) games
The showcase of our courses: learn-by-doing approach
Running with obstacles
Poison and healing
Flappy Scratchy
Fill out the form to discover how coding can help your child improve school performance and build confidence. We'll schedule a free trial class where your child will learn essential skills like focus and problem-solving—all while creating their first project.
Worried About Your Child's Grades? Give Them a Proven Path to Success with Coding!
Sign up for a FREE class and see how coding can boost your child’s grades!:
By the end of the lesson, they will have taken the first step toward better grades and a brighter future.