We teach children to think, create projects, and communicate in the same way the world's top IT companies do
We teach children
to think, create projects and communicate
Online coding school for children aged 6 to 17
Book a FREE coding class right now!
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You're in a good company:
course developers and tutors from leading IT companies and universities
Mini-group lessons
Students solve practical problems in each lesson, and at the end of the course, they develop their own projects
Practice only: project-based learning
The courses don't contain just live classes with a tutor but also hackathons, competitions, students' community
and virtual internal currency (lamacoins)
Efficient educational ecosystem
We are experts at teaching kids to code and helping them implement innovative ideas
We conduct group (up to 5 kids) online lessons: we guarantee effective communication, attention, and efficiency
Courses: Scratch, Roblox, Python Fundamentals, Python Games
University: Europian University of Cyprus
What is your teaching approach?
«My teaching rule is: Always keep it fun. Kids should learn that disappointment is part of life but we never give up on our dreams»
Courses: Scratch, Python Fundamentals, web-development
University: Technion University
The piece of advise for young coders:
«Take your time. It takes months and sometimes years to get good at coding, so be patient»
Courses: Python Fundamentals, Python Games
University: Institute of Physics and Technology
What is your teaching approach?
«Experimantal learning and interactive classes with my students. I help my students to learn from mistakes, fosters reflective thinking, and I encourage them to solve difficult tasks»
Courses: Scratch, Roblox, Python Fundamentals
University: University Coventry
Why is coding the hottest skill of the 21st century?
«Coding is a gateway into many professions not only in the tech industry. Furthermore, it gives you the ability to logically think and triubleshoot»
Courses: Scratch, Roblox
University: Innopolis University
Why is coding the hottest skill of the 21st century?
«Coding is a great way to develop problem-solving skills, and it is an excellent way to develop a career in a rapidly growing field»
Courses: Scratch, Python Fundamentals, web-development
University: Skoltech, Photonics and Quantum Materials track
Our courses were developed by leading IT experts from Cisco, MIT and UC Berkeley
Scratch Adventures
6-10 years
Web development
14-17 years
Perfect for beginners, this course introduces coding through interactive stories and games in Scratch
Minecraft Coding Quests
7-13 years
Roblox Game Builders
11-13 years
Can you create your own website? Easily! We create websites in HTML and CSS, as well as Javascript and Tilda
Погрузимся в мир Minecraft и научимся программировать, проходя испытания.
Create and code your own Roblox games, unleashing your creativity in the popular gaming platform
Python Explorers
14-17 years
Take the next step with Python programming, mastering the language used by professionals worldwide
The showcase of our courses: learn-by-doing approach
Flappy Scratchy
Students will learn how to recreate famous arcade(2D) games
Running with obstacles
Students will learn how to use arrays to create games and apps
Students will learn how to design 3D objects: mountains, lakes, cars
Poison and healing
Parents love GEEKLAMA
Students and their parents share their GEEKLAMA experiences
FAQ: everything you want to know
Fill out the form, and we will call you, advise you, answer all of your questions, and recommend a course that will best suit the child's interests. We will enroll you in a free trial class, which will be delivered with the same commitment and care as the main course.
Not sure if your child will enjoy programming?
Simply try it with a free GEEKLAMA class!
Sign up for a free class:
At the end of the lesson, the child will have completed his first mini-project and will most certainly request for more!